Sunday, March 21, 2010


Damn I've been suffering 'cause my internet hasn't been working for days! Technology...argh.
Diet is going good, not great, but good. It's been hard at times, hard to be working and studying at the same time, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Good news is that I haven't passed out, not once. Great news are that I figured out the REAL reason for eating like crazy at times.
I've been having problems with some people and especially at work, and school is getting extremely stressing. On Saturday I was on an edge of a breakdown, I can't remember a day being as depressed and pissed at the same time as that. All I felt like doing was go and by an enormous bag of sweets and all kind of junk food and just EAT. I didn't, thanks to my sister, my keeper. But I was so close to. And when I stopped to think about it I realised that I've become a comfort eater.
So fucking unfair! Some start to exercise, or clean like crazy(which is also good exercise) like my mum, when they're sad or mad or whatever. But me, well, I eat. Feels like that's the only true comfort but I have no idea what has triggered it off 'cause I haven't been like this always. But hey, no time to mop around trying to think of reasons why. I'll make this my inspiration, time to stick with the healthy life.
Total weight loss today on the 11th day is 6,4kg

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Madness, I tell you madness..

Just complete torture. This day has been awful! I woke up at 8 and was off to school. Had to survive till five at school just with a cup of coffee. My fist and only food I had at six, as in ten minutes ago. Wow, I've never felt as tired, lifeless and weak..was sure I'd pass out. Heads up, this will probably be the day you consider quiting, I was so close to. It's weird because I'm not hungry at all, I just feel extremely weak and tired. Many times I catch myself daydreaming, how I will after this, take the day off, bake the whole day and by every sweet that was ever made! After this I'm seriously going to try and find a cure for my endless craving of sweets.
I've lost 5kg now , and still hoping to drop a few during this diet.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Just another tuesday

It's all well and good. Still got 7 days to go, I'm gonna do this!
So, the great thing about this hospital diet is the fact that I don't feel hungry at all, just weak if I don't get food for hours. Today was the chicken day, and ooh how I looove chicken!
What I've realised during this craziness is that at most times I'm not even hungry but when I start eating it's the good taste that just makes me want to eat more. I've been wondering what could be the cause of that and what I actually found out was that sugar or more specifically carbohydrate is the one to be blamed. A person's sugar level should be balanced at all times, when u digest something that will lift your blood sugar level in an instant, it will drop as fast as it rose and will drive you towards binge eating. That's what causes the constant hunger and urge for sweets. SUGAR=BAD!
But anyhow, got through today pretty well. Went to the movies to see Precious, oh, it really touched me! My mind wasn't wondering on food, was concentrating on the movie. So, I would say it was a pretty good movie then! Though, it was really odd being at theatre without any of the sweets and junk food. Was good actually. Felt very light and fresh afterwards.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

A succer for sweets

It's the morning of the fourth day of my hospital diet. Everything is okay, except that my muscles are sore from yesterdays yoga. I'm feeling pain in places I didn't even know existed. No hunger and not feeling weak, so I'm not complaining. And the weight loss now is 4,6kg! The progress is looking good so far!

The actual problem now is that I have these cravings for candy. I just love those sugary colourful candies. Since from my early ages I've been eating candy regularly. You'd think that when you grow up your taste in food would develop, but noup, this is something that I doubt I'll never get rid of. I'll let you in if I find something healthy to replace the sweets. So far fruit an yogurt's have not done it for me..hoping to find a cure for this crazy craving!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Wow, yoga!

Just came back from yoga and I'm feeling amazing! What an experience. Yoga has been in my life before but years ago, so today I decided to go to a yoga intro, where we went through all the basics and positions step by step.

It all started from the breathing technique. By inhaling in the right way you can warm up your whole body while just sitting, it's called firebreathing. From there we went to the different kind of positions. It was so liberating; my mind was clear, I was feeling peaceful and I found so many "new" muscles from my body.

First I was a bit scared of not bending enough, but none of the stretches felt uncomfortable and I already felt an improvement in my body just during those two hours. This is something I'm really going to set my mind on.

It's amazing how beneficial yoga is for your body. What it does is actually fasten your metabolism and digestion, and make them work better and smoothly. It will also strenghten your inner muscles and make your posture so much better. And of course, all kind of stretching will tone the body.

During yoga you can't drink and it is recommended not to have ate at least for two hours before the session. Anything extra in your body will make you feel nauseous. If everything is done properly you will feel so light and good after it.

I think that yoga is something to be done weekly, it's so extremely beneficial!

A beautiful morning

It's now past ten, the morning of my third day on the diet. Couldn't feel better! I slept like a baby through the whole night. Surprisingly I'm not feeling hungry at all, and I'm wondering where all this energy is coming from. Since I'm feeling so good I decided to go to yoga, so in twenty minutes this girl is off to yoga for couple of hours and then going to treat myself by going to a tanning bed. The UV-radiation will give me so much more energy -I know I know, it ain't that healthy but it's not going to kill me tho.

My total weight loss is now 3,8kg. Just wonderful!

Friday, March 12, 2010


It's now 22.30pm and still on my second day of the hospital diet. Had my last meal (yogurt and ham) over three hours ago and I'm feeling great! I mean, I'm not hungry and I'm surprisingly energetic. I just came back from work and this day has been freaking awesome. Made some good sales and was able to stay focused and do my job properly. It ain't that bad, at all!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Struggling struggling...

Day 2 has started with my diet. It's 10am and about to have my breakfast, coffee with a lump of sugar.Obviously my body is now starting to notice what I'm about to put myself through. Feeling extremely weak and dizzy at times. Last night was weird; since I went to bed after 5 hours I'd had my last dinner,it was difficult getting sleep with an empty stomach. Even though I'm having a half day off today I still woke up before seven. Can't really sleep. Oh, and had to take an extra cover for bed, cause I'm starting to feel cold. This is what happens when a body is undernourished, so make sure you are wearing a little bit more than you usually do. I also advise you to take one vitamin pill every day to keep you going.
Since waking up at seven I've had to keep myself busy, keeping my mind off from food. I went for a brief walk with my dog, been searching apartments from London and now writing this blog. Still have to go to work this evening. I work in customer service so I have to be on top of my game at all times to help customers and please them, as trying to make good sales. Luckily I only have a five hour shift so I'm hoping to get through that. If I could have it my way, I wouldn't be working or studying during this diet. Exercise and straining yourself isn't recommended during this time. But, you have to keep yourself busy to get through this.
These first couple of days will be the hardest but it'll get easier and I believe that this is all worth it.
I weighed myself a day before starting the diet and since the day before yesterday I've already lost 3kg! Amazing, isn't it!

One day at a time

The hospital diet

Just today I started a diet called the hospital diet. It is a low carbohydrate diet which is supposed to change the whole metabolism and make your stomach smaller, so you can't eat as much and won't feel hungry as often. What happens during this diet is that you body goes into this ketosis state, meaning that you are burning fat even when not doing anything, it's permanent.

When a body is given less than 50 grams of carbohydrates it goes to this constant fat burning mode. Ideal for someone who needs to get fast results. It's made for people who have some extra pounds on them, so it's not suitable unless you really are overweight.

The diet lasts for 13 days with 7 different type of days. Mostly it contains meat and vegetables. Coffee and some fruit are allowed. The diet is extremely hard.

Here's the complete diet:

Day 1&8: Morning: 1 cup coffee, a lump of sugar Midday: 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 tomato, steamed spinach Evening: 1 large grilled steak, salad w. oil/lemon

Day 2&9: Morning: 1 cup coffee, a lump of sugar Midday: 1 slice ham(50gr), 1 cup natural yogurt Evening: 1 large grilled steak, salad w. oil/lemon, a fruit (apple,orange,)

Day 3&10: Morning: 1 cup coffee a lump of sugar, 1 slice of toast Midday: Boiled spinach or cauliflower, 1 tomato, 1 fruit Evening: 1 slice ham (50gr), 2 hard-boiled eggs, salad w. oil/lemon, fruit

Day 4&11: Morning: 1 cup coffee, a lump of sugar, 1 slice of toast Midday: 1 hard-boiled egg, 1 grated carrot, 250gr cottage cheese Evening: 1 can fruit salad, 1 cup natural yogurt, banana

Day 5&12: Morning: 1 large grated carrot w. lemon Midday: 1 fillet lean fish, w. lemon, toast Evening: 1 large grilled steak, salad w. broccoli and oil/lemon

Day 6&13: Morning: 1 cup coffee, a lump of sugar, 1 slice of toast Midday: 2 hard-boiled egg, 1 grated carrot Evening: 1 piece of chicken, salad w. oil/lemon

Day 7: Morning: 1 cup tea or coffee without sugar Midday: 1 slice grilled meat (lamb or veal cutlet) Evening: nothing

Your allowed to have what's meant for evening in midday, but you can't change the actual menus. Nothing is to be left out or added. If so much as chew a chewing gum, the diet is advised to be terminated.

You can only drink water during this diet and at least 2litres per day.

It is promised that if you slavishly follow the diet the results should at least last up to 2 years, of course with healthy lifestyle. If you quit the diet after six days, the results will remain and you can try the diet again but not after 2 months. If you succeed to complete the whole thing, you can't try it again until after one year.

I know that random diets aren't the est choice for loosing weight but u gotta start somewhere and I find this very easy doing it this way. This is a good kick start towards a healthy lowcarb lifestyle.

So I'm on my first day and so far so good. So far I've had coffee with a lump of sugar and steak with salad, oil and a slice of lemon. Still have one meal to go and it's already 6pm, yeay!

I've done this diet once before and it was a success, lost about 6 kg. But I'm nervously waiting for the side effects; anemia, dizzy, tired and what not. I'm a student and I work, so not really ideal for me, but hey a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

My goal is to loose at least 6kg again during this diet. I'm not going to tell you my starting weight for now, cause I'm very sensitive about it. But, I promise to tell you everything else, how I feel, how much have I lost in kilos and in centimetres. I will also add before and after photos when I'm done.

Wish me Luck!