Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Madness, I tell you madness..

Just complete torture. This day has been awful! I woke up at 8 and was off to school. Had to survive till five at school just with a cup of coffee. My fist and only food I had at six, as in ten minutes ago. Wow, I've never felt as tired, lifeless and weak..was sure I'd pass out. Heads up, this will probably be the day you consider quiting, I was so close to. It's weird because I'm not hungry at all, I just feel extremely weak and tired. Many times I catch myself daydreaming, how I will after this, take the day off, bake the whole day and by every sweet that was ever made! After this I'm seriously going to try and find a cure for my endless craving of sweets.
I've lost 5kg now , and still hoping to drop a few during this diet.