Sunday, March 14, 2010

A succer for sweets

It's the morning of the fourth day of my hospital diet. Everything is okay, except that my muscles are sore from yesterdays yoga. I'm feeling pain in places I didn't even know existed. No hunger and not feeling weak, so I'm not complaining. And the weight loss now is 4,6kg! The progress is looking good so far!

The actual problem now is that I have these cravings for candy. I just love those sugary colourful candies. Since from my early ages I've been eating candy regularly. You'd think that when you grow up your taste in food would develop, but noup, this is something that I doubt I'll never get rid of. I'll let you in if I find something healthy to replace the sweets. So far fruit an yogurt's have not done it for me..hoping to find a cure for this crazy craving!