Thursday, March 11, 2010

Struggling struggling...

Day 2 has started with my diet. It's 10am and about to have my breakfast, coffee with a lump of sugar.Obviously my body is now starting to notice what I'm about to put myself through. Feeling extremely weak and dizzy at times. Last night was weird; since I went to bed after 5 hours I'd had my last dinner,it was difficult getting sleep with an empty stomach. Even though I'm having a half day off today I still woke up before seven. Can't really sleep. Oh, and had to take an extra cover for bed, cause I'm starting to feel cold. This is what happens when a body is undernourished, so make sure you are wearing a little bit more than you usually do. I also advise you to take one vitamin pill every day to keep you going.
Since waking up at seven I've had to keep myself busy, keeping my mind off from food. I went for a brief walk with my dog, been searching apartments from London and now writing this blog. Still have to go to work this evening. I work in customer service so I have to be on top of my game at all times to help customers and please them, as trying to make good sales. Luckily I only have a five hour shift so I'm hoping to get through that. If I could have it my way, I wouldn't be working or studying during this diet. Exercise and straining yourself isn't recommended during this time. But, you have to keep yourself busy to get through this.
These first couple of days will be the hardest but it'll get easier and I believe that this is all worth it.
I weighed myself a day before starting the diet and since the day before yesterday I've already lost 3kg! Amazing, isn't it!

One day at a time